Vipers SC Security Beats Elderly Man And His Young Kids. Social media users have been left infuriated after the guards manning the entrance to St Mary’s Kitende stadium assaulted an elderly man and his kids.
Apparently, this man had showed up to watch the game between Vipers SC and Busoga United in the Uganda Premier league. However, he wasn’t let past the gate and his kids were even beaten.
This sent him into an outburst of anger as he poured out insults at these guards. He wondered how they could beat his children for no reason as if they aren’t parents themselves. Furthermore, he told them that these are the future supporters of Ugandan football. This negative treatment therefore was wrong and uncalled for.
Additionally, this elderly man reminded these guards from Uganda Bouncers Association (UBA) that it was they who started up the stadium and club. Therefore he wasn’t going to tolerate the disrespect from this nobody.
Meanwhile these Bouncers just lookd on as the kids cried. It’s not clear what exactly happened since this man said that he has his money to pay for both himself and the kids.
As the argument was still going on, another fan came by and he recorded these bouncers. He promised to circulate the video and have them reported to their boss.
This has solicited wild reactions from social media users as they wondered how these security guys could be so merciless. The club meanwhile went on to win the game 3-0.
Besides Vipers is yet to come out and provide an update about this situation. It was however unpleasant to see especially since Ugandan football is still struggling with fan attendance. Vipers SC Security Beats Elderly Man And His Young Kids.